
How to Increase Early Learning Experiences
If you’re the parent of a toddler, preschooler, or kindergartener, you’ve likely heard about the buzz to increase early learning experiences for your child and…
Why Can’t Kids Read?
On its face, “Why Can’t Kids Read,” is a pretty crazy question to be asking in this day and age, but a necessary one nonetheless.
Facilitating Alphabet Knowledge
Alphabet knowledge is defined as a child’s ability to recognize all the alphabet letters, preferably in both capital and lower case form, and to know…
The Essence of True Character
I was going through my Word documents a few days ago and came upon this exceptionally beautiful writing by Ralph Waldo Emerson about character that I must…
Defining Alphabet Anatomy
What do you think of
when you hear the phrase,
“Alphabet Anatomy?”
Of course it pertains to the alphabet, but let me explain a little…