The following kindergarten readiness list is courtesy of the earlychildhoodeducationzone.
Please note that there is an ongoing controversy among many education professionals as to the appropriateness of these standards currently expected of your kindergarten student.
– Recognizes own name in print and attempts to write it
– Expresses ideas so that others can understand
– Recognizes the beginning sound of some words
– Recognizes five to ten alphabet letter names
– Uses sentences that include two or more ideas
– Recognizes some common sight words like “stop”
– Matches three letters with the sounds they make
– Follows two-step oral directions
– Uses descriptive language
– Tells or retells stories and/or everyday experiences
– Looks at books or pictures on their own
– Pretends to read books by reading the pictures
– Tries to read everyday texts (signs, labels, etc.)
– Recognizes rhyming words
– Blends sounds into words
– Identifies some common words in print
– Recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters
– Recognizes some letter sounds
– Describes characters’ actions/feelings in a story
– Connects story events to personal experiences
– Puts the events of a story in order
– Matches a numeral (0-5) to a group with that number of objects
– Arranges numerals in order 1-5
– Identifies/points to three shapes
– Understands concepts of none, some, less, and more
– Counts four to ten objects
– Recognizes some numbers
– Understands addition and subtraction (‘give’ and ‘take-away’)
– Uses writing and drawing tools with control and intention
– Copies figures such as line, circle, square
– Cuts with scissors
– Traces basic shapes
– Bounces a ball
– Basic athletic skills: hop, jump, run, catch, and bounce a ball
– Holds and uses crayons, markers, pens, and pencils correctly
– Builds using blocks
– Tries to tie own shoes
– Uses riding toys
– Enjoys outdoor activities such as running, jumping, and climbing
– Dances to a beat
– Awareness of causes and effects
– Understands times of day
– Looks at pictures and then tells stories
– Matches like pictures in small sets
– Recognizes, copies, or repeats in a pattern
– Able to sequence up to three story-pictures
– Completes simple puzzles (4 pieces)
– Understands spatial concepts such as in-out, under-over, on-off, front-back
– Shows interest in new games and toys
– Describes how objects are similar or different
– Identifies common plants and animals
– Recognizes natural objects like the sun, moon, clouds, and trees
– Pretends, creates, and makes up songs or stories
– Speaks understandably
– Talks in complete sentences of five to six words
– Participates in repeating a familiar song, poem, or nursery rhyme
– Retells a simple story after listening to a story with pictures
– Uses symbols or drawings to express ideas
– Uses words to solve problems or conflicts
– Uses words like please, thank you, and excuse me
– Adjusts to new situations
– Attempts new tasks without fear of failure
– Shows pride in accomplishments
– Stays with an activity to completion
– Interacts appropriately with adults and peers
– Respects the rights, property, and feelings of others
– Works cooperatively (listens to others, shares, and takes turns)
– Demonstrates increasing self-control
– Participates in clean-up activities
– Takes responsibility for own belongings (lunch, coat, etc.)
– Adheres to a routine and schedule for personal hygiene, eating meals, and going to bed
– Uses good hygiene habits and table manners
– Follows simple safety rules
– Tries to regulate emotions and expresses feelings verbally
– Makes need known
– Interacts with other children
– Listen to stories without interrupting
– Pays attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks
– Begins to share with others
– Starts to follow rules
– Able to recognize authority
– Begins to control oneself
– Separates from parents without being upset
– Recognizes familiar signs, words, and symbols
– Knows parent’s first and last name
– Identifies own age
– Shows independence in personal care (washing hands, dressing, bathroom use)
– Manages toilet hygiene
– Buttons shirts, pants, coats, and zip zippers