I’m so excited and honored to become a “Read Aloud for 15 Minutes” partner and help spread their powerful message to “turn daily reading aloud for 15 minutes from a recommendation into a parenting ‘must’.” Why:
“Because 15 minutes of reading aloud each day
can change the face of education
in this country.”
Read Aloud’s goal is to “have every American child ready to read when entering kindergarten and continuing to build skills throughout early school years.” In order to reach that goal, reading aloud to children must begin at birth and continue through the early school years.
Currently only 48% of young children in America are read to each day. Yet, research shows that reading aloud is the single most important thing that a person can do to help a child prepare for reading and learning.
We need to spread the word!
If you would like more information on how you can become a “Read Aloud for 15 Minutes” partner or volunteer in other ways to help this most noble cause, visit their website at http://www.readaloud.org/.