Letter F has more to teach kids than the sound he makes in words, although that is his very favorite sound for sure. Feeling fabulous is foremost on his list, and fitting fitness firmly into one’s day is a fine habit to follow. “F, fit and fine, both arms straight to the […]
Compassion: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for someone struck by misfortune, accompanied by a desire to alleviate the suffering; mercy. A noble and worthy character trait to instill in our children, right? Letter C could not agree more! Caring for cats has brought her so much joy through the years. Whether […]
“A has a point at the top of her head. Under her belt, she hides apples so red. A – Apples” As you can see, letter A absolutely adores apples. In fact, she can hardly contain her adoration and can often be heard advocating the healthy advantages of ingesting apples by loudly proclaiming, […]